Monster girl quest paradox strent in sollitude
Monster girl quest paradox strent in sollitude

He is a boy of undetermined age (although Alice mentions that Luka is younger than 21), and hails from Ilias Village. The sword itself can be enchanted with various attributes to inflict elemental damage and status ailments.Luka (ルカ Ruka) is the main protagonist of Monster Girl Quest!. A soldier's strength is retained and black magic can be used. Specialized fighter trained in sword and magic, the Spellblade style is born. Lvl 10: Spiral Fire - Spear Skill (Fire 144%*3 Att+Agi), Target: Foe.Lvl 9: Great Defense - Defense Ability, Reduces 50% of incoming damage while Guarding.Lvl 8: Holy Spear Prayer - Spear Skill (Magical 150% Will), Target: Ally, Effect: HP Recovery.Lvl 5: Holy Shift - Spear Skill (Holy 264% Att+Agi), Target: Foe.Lvl 4: Holy Spear Guard - Spear Skill, Target: All Allies, Effect: Def Up (Halves physical damage taken for 3 turns).Lvl 2: Undead Slayer - Spear Skill (Physical 228% Att+Agi), Target: Foe Effect: Zombie/Ghost Slayer.Skills: Rapier, Spear, White Magic, Holy.Weapons: Daggers, Rapiers, Spears, Heavy Spears.Learns abilities that aid in banishing the undead to the grave. Wields SP-fueled magic and adept with heavy spears. lvl 10: Cross Slash - Sword Skill (Physical 280%*2 Att), Target: Foe, Effect: +Ī holy soldier bearing a Priest's piety and a Warrior's bravery.lvl 9: Sword Booster 15% - Combat Ability.lvl 8: Cursed God Slash - Sword Skill (Physical 940% Att), Target: Foe, Effect: Ignore Def (ignores def, but 50% chance to miss.).lvl 6: Moonlight Blade - Sword Skill (Physical 440% Att), Target: Foe.lvl 5: Focused Spirit - Special Skill, Target: User, Effect: Att Up (Triples attack for following turn.).lvl 4: Dead Crash - Sword Skill (Physical 360% Att), Target: Foe, Effect: Death (50%), +.lvl 2: Cyclone Blade - Sword Skill (Wind 320% Att), Target: All Foes.Armor: Armor, Heavy Armor, Helmets, Heavy Helmets, Shields, Heavy Shields.Weapons: Daggers, Swords, Knight Swords, Rapiers, Spears, Axes, Scythes.Unfortunately, magic is still out of the question. Newfound strength grants usage of the mighty knight sword, wide range of sword skills, and enhanced attack and defense. Most of these unlock Advanced Jobs, but some unlock additional Intermediate Jobs.Īn accomplished master of the blade. They are for when you've found the Basic Job you like and you want to get stronger. Intermediate Jobs are the second tier of jobs available in Monster Girl Quest! Paradox RPG.

Monster girl quest paradox strent in sollitude